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Aim 260 Missile Vs Meteor

AIM-260: The Next Generation of Air-to-Air Missiles

Introduction to the AIM-260 Program

In response to the growing threat posed by long-range missiles developed by potential adversaries, the United States Air Force initiated the AIM-260 program in 2017. This program aims to develop a next-generation air-to-air missile (AAM) that offers significant improvements in range, speed, and lethality compared to existing systems.

Key Features and Capabilities of the AIM-260

The AIM-260 missile is designed to counter emerging threats such as very low observable (VLO) aircraft and cruise missiles. It features:

  • Extended range: The AIM-260 is expected to have a range of over 300 miles, significantly exceeding that of current AAMs like the AIM-120.
  • High speed: The missile utilizes a high-performance propulsion system to achieve supersonic speeds, enabling it to intercept targets at much greater distances.
  • Enhanced maneuverability: The AIM-260 is equipped with advanced flight control systems that provide exceptional maneuverability, allowing it to engage targets with high agility.
  • Improved lethality: The missile is equipped with a powerful warhead and proximity fuse, ensuring maximum effectiveness against a wide range of targets.

Comparison with Existing AAMs

The AIM-260 represents a significant leap forward in AAM technology compared to its predecessors. While missiles like the AIM-120 and the Meteor offer impressive range and performance, the AIM-260 is specifically designed to address the challenges posed by future aerial threats.

The Meteor, known for its extended range, is primarily used to engage targets beyond visual range (BVR). However, the AIM-260 is intended to provide a comprehensive solution for countering VLO aircraft and cruise missiles, which may operate at different altitudes and ranges.


The AIM-260 program represents the US Air Force's commitment to maintaining air superiority in the face of evolving threats. The missile's advanced capabilities and performance make it a formidable weapon in the arsenal of US fighter aircraft, ensuring that they remain equipped to protect American interests and allies around the globe.
