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Aim 260 Us Air Force Pursues Enhanced Lethality Beyond Visual Range

AIM-260: US Air Force Pursues Enhanced Lethality Beyond Visual Range


The United States Air Force (USAF) is at the forefront of developing advanced weapons systems to maintain its dominance in aerial combat. Among these advancements is the AIM-260 missile, a beyond-visual-range (BVR) weapon designed to significantly enhance the USAF's lethality in air-to-air engagements.

The AIM-260 Missile

The AIM-260 is an active radar-guided missile under development by the USAF. Its key feature is its extended range compared to its predecessors, allowing it to engage enemy aircraft from significantly farther distances. This extended range provides a tactical advantage, enabling the USAF to strike targets from safe distances and minimize the risk of retaliation.

Performance Goals and Development

The USAF has closely guarded the specific performance goals for the AIM-260, which has been in development since around 2017. However, it is widely understood that the missile aims to achieve initial operating capability in 2022, as stated by Brig. Gen. Scott E. Zobrist, Program Executive Officer for Weapons.

Benefits for the USAF

The AIM-260 offers several benefits to the USAF, including: * Increased Lethality: Its extended range allows the USAF to engage targets from farther distances, increasing the probability of successful strikes and neutralizing enemy threats. * Reduced Risk to Personnel: By engaging targets from safe distances, the USAF can minimize the risk to its pilots and other personnel involved in air combat operations. * Tactical Advantage: The extended range of the AIM-260 provides the USAF with a tactical advantage, allowing it to strike targets before they can launch their own missiles or attempt to evade detection.


The AIM-260 missile is a significant advancement in the USAF's pursuit of enhanced BVR lethality. Its extended range and advanced capabilities will provide the USAF with a distinct advantage in aerial combat, increasing its effectiveness in protecting national interests and maintaining air superiority. As the missile's development progresses, it is expected to play a vital role in shaping the future of air warfare and strengthening the USAF's position as a global military superpower.
