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Delta V

Delta-v: The Key to Space Travel

What is Delta-v?

Delta-v, pronounced "delta-vee," is a measure of the change in velocity of a spacecraft. It is a key parameter in planning and executing space missions, from orbital transfers to interplanetary travel. Whether you're studying orbital maneuvers or just playing Kerbal Space Program, understanding delta-v is essential.

Delta-v in General Physics

In general physics, delta-v is defined as the change in velocity of an object. The Greek uppercase letter Δ (delta) is the standard mathematical symbol used to represent change in a quantity. In the case of velocity, delta-v is calculated by subtracting the initial velocity from the final velocity.

Delta-v in Spacecraft Flight

In spacecraft flight, delta-v is produced by reaction engines, such as rocket engines. The amount of delta-v that a spacecraft can achieve is proportional to the thrust per unit mass of the engine and the burn time. Delta-v is used to determine the mass of propellant that is required for a given mission.
